Interior minister and Shas party chief says 70% of Israel's coronavirus cases are Haredim, with outbreak concentrated in community's major cities and smaller neighborhoods

Ultra-Orthodox Jews receive harsher punishments for sins than secular Jews, Gershon Edelstein says in latest attempt to blame pandemic on anything but science

Beit Shemesh, Elad and Modiin Illit each have more cases than Israel's second-largest city despite having an aggregate population just over half its size

Bnei Brak-based Kupat Ha'ir organization, associated with Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, tells donors a NIS 3,000 payment will guarantee their family protection from COVID-19

Haredi culture is resilient, cohesive and more self-critical than most outsiders realize, but its strengths became its vulnerabilities in the face of COVID-19

As coronavirus cases soar, unnamed official reportedly says Haredi public doesn't understand gravity of situation after weddings held, schools stay open in defiance of regulations

Lithuanian Haredi leadership reportedly agrees to Netanyahu's proposal that would see yeshivas keep operating, with restrictions, after defying coronavirus orders to shut schools

Lithuanian Haredi leadership had ordered schools to remain open, in violation of coronavirus regulations

While Hasidic and national religious sectors follow Health Ministry restrictions, Lithuanian ultra-Orthodox leadership orders schools to remain open, violating regulations

Haya Valer, 22, was recently interviewed by Channel 12 about her experiences, including being put on anti-psychotic drugs after expressing doubts
