Nobel laureate and Holocaust memoirist joins fellow members-of-the-tribe Jesus and some apostles, along with humanitarians Mother Teresa, Rosa Parks, and Oscar Romero in DC shrine
British author John Carr reveals his father's audacious wartime journey from the Lodz ghetto to Gibraltar, where he signed up to fight the Germans - all while hiding his Jewishness
From a US Army chaplain who rallied surviving Jews, to a fake military unit, resilience and chutzpah star in Rosie Whitehouse's new book about post-WWII exodus to the promised land
Ahead of a January 27 online preview of the Rome Shoah Foundation Museum's new exhibition, volunteers who usually travel Italy speaking to schools share their stories with ToI
With an ever shrinking population and live educational events now on hold, Antony Lishak has grabbed the wheel to capture testimonies before it's too late
'Deported. Exiled. Saved.' uncovers dramatic new information with implications for descendants of the largest Polish survivor group -- including the family of this writer
'Portraits for Posterity: Photographs of Holocaust Survivors in Great Britain' started as a single photo op before growing into an exhibit and then book
Airing Sunday night on BBC One, Robert Rinder's documentary 'My Family, The Holocaust And Me' explores the impact of the Shoah on three families as the chain of PTSD is unbroken
Stephen Fry presents educator with prestigious trophy for his 'quiet determination to ensure that the unspeakable wickedness and evil' of the Shoah isn't forgotten
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