While the term itself is an offensive Jewish stereotype, the show uses it as part of a story arc on restaurant's staff no longer using pejorative language

Out March 6, the eve of Purim, the long-awaited sequel to the classic 1981 film co-produced by comedian Nick Kroll revolves around Jewish history — and skewers it

From the Mourner's Kaddish to kosher observance creators Joel Fields and Joe Weisberg, both Jewish, give a nuanced portrayal of Judaism, reflecting their own deep-rooted identities

In latest ‘Jewface’ flare-up, Jewish writers of Hulu thriller say non-Jewish actor plays part 'brilliantly' in business where 'people are pretending to be other people'

Adaptation of 2019 novel focuses on a Jewish man’s middle-age crisis

Film legend will executive-produce and write sequel to 1981 movie that controversially poked fun at the past, including the horrors of the Spanish Inquisition

In new docuseries, Rick Rubin and the ex-Beatle don't rehash the lore. Instead, they head to the tapes, isolating instruments and harmonies, finding outtakes, unearthing stories

FX TV to produce series based on Taffy Brodesser-Akner's novel about a New York Jewish couple's divorce struggles

Feeling down about the lack of romance during quarantine? This adults-only Hulu program is your antidote

The protagonist engages deeply with religion on the day-to-day ritual and lifestyle level -- something Jewish viewers might understand, and few 'Jewish' shows address