In 8-1 ruling, judges say there is 'no sufficient evidentiary basis' to ban Mara’ana from running in March 23 elections over her controversial comments

Justices widely expected to overturn election committee's decision to bar Ibtisam Mara’ana from running in upcoming election over controversial comments about Memorial Day

Betzalel Smotrich disavows video put out by partner Itamar Ben Gvir; incident also sparks fight with right-wing rival Naftali Bennett, who is accused of plotting with left

Decision against Ibtisam Mara’ana widely expected to be overturned by Supreme Court; party chief Michaeli compares her treatment to incitement against Rabin prior to assassination

Avichai Mandelblit says comments made by Ibtisam Mara’ana don't justify blocking her from running; Central Elections hearing to be held on Wednesday

Arab Israeli film producer Ibtisam Mara’ana, 7th on Labor slate, says she is sorry for offense she may have caused by ignoring siren, adds she now observes two-minutes of silence
