Regev says cabinet will consider scrapping controversial permits system for Israelis wanting to either leave or return, which critics say is politically influenced, undemocratic
Israel Democracy Institute experts say sweeping restriction on Israeli nationals is extremely problematic from constitutional perspective, could infringe on right to vote
As Canberra forces Facebook, Google to pay for content, Israel could 'piggyback' and reap benefit for its own press but is unlikely to battle online giants itself soon, experts say
Reopening the economy requires balancing individual rights, including of inoculation-refusers, with public welfare, experts agree; but the government hasn't weighed in definitively
In an apparent stunt, Gantz lets the order enabling ultra-Orthodox to avoid army service lapse, but expert says status quo likely to continue, because Knesset dissolved in December
Environmental Protection and Energy ministries trying to reach pre-election deal on renewable targets and whether Israel can move to almost total reliance on sun by 2050
Israel Democracy Institute study finds community suffered worse employment setback due to coronavirus than rest of workforce, wage-earners moving from jobs in education to commerce
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