Without a big economic package and increased spending, the effect of the pandemic on the economy will be 'even more devastating', IDI's Karnit Flug says

Especially in times of crisis and emergency, a functioning parliament is vital to the proper functioning of a democracy, Ariel University's Chen Friedberg says

Blue and White threatens to cut off unity talks as Likud accused of using health crisis to maintain power illegally; Edelstein promises to allow vote on committees Monday

Expert says election data indicates Arab alliance's messaging against Jewish nation-state and Kaminitz laws resonated with some Druze

Expert says Gantz reaching out to Arab public could significantly affect voter turnout; MK says Joint List can win more votes by focusing on community's 'burning issues'

But 2019 Democracy Index also shows plurality believes country is in good shape (men more so than women); 60% say nation should not weigh views of Diaspora on important decisions

Israel Democracy Institute experts provide an overview of the law that can grant members of Knesset immunity from criminal prosecution

Israel Democracy Institute study suggests ultra-Orthodox men lacking a modern education struggle to make enough money in job market to make employment worthwhile

Bank of Israel governor Amir Yaron says that without higher taxes, shortfall could reach 'dangerous level' of more than 4.5 percent of GDP

Hospitals, schools and transportation system are a 'resounding failure,' head of Blue and White opposition party says at economic forum in Jerusalem
