Asked if government is near its end, Bennett says 'absolutely not'; rebel lawmakers face pressure to quit Knesset as coalition weighs next steps after failing to renew settler law

Idit Silman votes against reappointment of Matan Kahana as religious affairs minister despite it being a vote of confidence, paving way for Yamina to oust her from party

But silence of New Hope's Gideon Sa'ar, who said vote was a test of coalition's desire to survive, raises questions how long alliance can carry on

Ra'am's Ghaniam and Rinawie Zoabi of Meretz vote against critical measure, joining opposition MKs, who have vowed to shoot down all government-sponsored measures

Justice minister, who has said coalition's future is at stake, says vote won't be delayed, despite the fact that Silman and Rinawie Zoabi's votes are decisive in deadlocked Knesset

Ahead of Monday vote, Israeli television reports that rebel Yamina MK has said she'll oppose extending legislation, while Ra'am's support remains unsecured

As it currently stands, coalition does not have enough votes to pass legislation justice minister has said is critical for government's survival

Likud, Shas, Religious Zionism all hail potential end of Bennett-Lapid government after Meretz MK quits, though members of her party hope she'll change her mind

Coalition said to tell Knesset it will remove Silman from panels after she wouldn't back Kahana's reappointment as religious services minister; Pinto to replace her on health panel

Unpublished report by former deputy director general Prof. Itamar Grotto is rejected by ministry's legal adviser during turbulent Health Committee hearing
