Key prosecution witness, ex-Walla CEO Ilan Yeshua, describes one of country's leading news outlets as being almost completely controlled by the premier ahead of the 2015 election

Wrapping up 1st week of testimony in PM's trial, Ilan Yeshua says Walla owner Elovitch angrily warned him bad press for PM’s wife would wreck his bid to buy TV provider’s shares

As graft trial continues in Jerusalem, news site's ex-CEO says he was warned negative coverage of Netanyahu would hurt Bezeq, claiming implication of quid pro quo deal was 'clear'

While his political allies battle across town for him to get first crack at building next gov't, PM appears in court for the opening of the evidence stage of his corruption trial

Ilan Yeshua details orders to fire top editor, bury negative stories, smear rivals, all coming from PM's aides; says Walla owners made clear their business interests were at stake

Lawyers say Netanyahu should hear proceedings in person when evidentiary phase of corruption trial starts Monday, but acknowledge it's up to the court

Court to be hear testimony from Walla CEO Ilan Yeshua and former PM aide turned state's witness Nir Hefetz, among others, in hearings on Case 4000

MK Shlomo Karai also wants two other Channel 13 journalists probed, claims they are guilty of 'a series of serious offenses' in their reporting on premier's criminal investigations

Despite his own endorsement of the comments earlier in the day, PM says Likud call to throw reporter in prison was nothing but 'an unfortunate formulation by spokespeople'

Premier's coalition partner Gantz pushes back on statement that 'in a proper world Raviv Drucker would go to jail,' says role of a free press is to scrutinize those in power
