Or Leibler, a member of a Jewish supremacist group who describes herself as a 'proud Jew,' forced to reevaluate beliefs after making unexpected discovery

A recent Pew study shows that over the last decade, most Jews have wed non-Jewish partners - but 2/3 of them imbue children with some Jewish identity, and this seems to be growing

Nuance, attention to detail, and ultimately, believability make for a gripping journey into Mexico's insular Syrian Jewish community. Streaming Friday in virtual cinemas

Rafi Peretz tells Jewish Agency chief his comment lamenting intermarriage rates 'probably was not proper,' says he respects world Jewry

Nearly 30 years ago, reports of a 52% interfaith household rate had some US Jewish leaders denouncing ‘assimilation’ as silently completing Hitler’s work

ADL chief says Rafi Peretz's remark 'trivializes the Shoah'; Israel-Diaspora activist group calls Israeli discourse about US Jews 'irresponsible and disrespectful'

In open letter to Gideon Sa'ar, Lehava chairman Bentzi Gopstein says he's motivated not by racism but rather by the continued existence of the Jewish people