Saudi stem-cell researcher and fighter pilot, along with US businessman, head to International Space Station on Axiom charter, which flew Israeli Eytan Stibbe on debut trip in 2022

Sultan Alneyadi steps out of the International Space Station in exercise hailed by Abu Dhabi as a 'milestone'

Rayyana Barnawi to fly to International Space Station Station on SpaceX rocket for 10-day mission as Riyadh looks to diversify economy, shake off ultra-conservative reputation

Nearing 5 days in space, Eytan Stibbe says he's spotted Israel for the first time, plans to celebrate Passover from International Space Station with gefilte fish from the Russians

About 400 kilometers above the Earth, Stibbe reads a part of a prayer given to him by Herzog before his departure: 'And you gave peace upon the land and joy to all its inhabitants'

Spacecraft successfully docks with the ISS a day after blasting off on first fully private mission; Stibbe will conduct various experiments while onboard

Approaching International Space Station, crewmembers of private charter flight communicate with control room for first time; 'We've gotten used to the lack of gravity,' Stibbe says

Eytan Stibbe heads to orbiting lab in private charter flight with two other businessmen in hopes of gaining insights into health conditions, agriculture, optics, energy

Eytan Stibbe boldly goes where no Israeli has gone before — the ISS — amid hopes of gaining insights into range of conditions, including immune problems and Alzheimer’s

After repeated delays, Eytan Stibbe is days away from taking part in the world's first private mission to the International Space Station, for a week of experiments
