Scheme allows Iraqis to pay for imported energy in Iraqi dinars, which Iran can then use exclusively to buy humanitarian goods; official says Washington aware of plan

400 staff members from Lockheed Martin Corp, Sallyport Global will reportedly be airlifted from Balad base amid a tense standoff between Baghdad's key allies, Washington and Tehran

US-Iran tensions spike as five US-linked sites attacked within five days, apparently from Shiite areas

Iraqi official says extension came after 'long discussions' with Washington, which has sought to curb Iranian energy exports

Foreign Minister says his country will 'stand by' its neighbor, declares US economic sanctions 'unnecessary' and cause suffering to Iranians

Iraqis convinced conflict looms between Washington and Tehran as the USS Abraham Lincoln, whose warplanes bombed Iraq in 2003, returns to region and tensions spiral

Visit to Baghdad a show of support for Iraqi government as Washington squeezes Iran, heightening tension in the region
