Travel advisory lists locations where Iranians could try to hurt Israelis, including UAE, Bahrain, Turkey, Africa; says Christmas period 'attractive for terror activity in Europe'

49,348 people have reportedly died of COVID-19 since February in hardest hit Middle East country, though even health minister says number is likely much higher

Pew poll finds Islamic Republic is least popular in Scandinavian countries, Netherlands and US; South Koreans show least animosity, though majority still negative

NYT says Revolutionary Guards burying failure to protect nuke chief Fakhrizadeh under claim of remote-control gun attack, despite witnesses describing shootout with attackers

Ahmadreza Djalali, accused of spying for Israel, 'at imminent risk of execution,' rights group says, as his spouse pleads for international intervention

Kylie Moore-Gilbert released last week after 2 years imprisonment on espionage charges; Iranian reports claim she was trained in intelligence work in Israel

Tehran's foreign ministry spokesman says no reports received on alleged killing of Muslim Shahdan on Syria-Iraq border

Proposal, days after top nuclear scientist was assassinated, requires several more votes to become law; lawmakers chant 'Death to Israel' during session

Middle East scholar Kylie Moore-Gilbert, who was reportedly arrested by Iranians because her partner is Israeli, says encouragement helped her through 'unrelenting nightmare'

Fakhrizadeh's assassination adds to Tehran's growing list of grievances and could force it to retaliate, but it doesn't diminish Iran's desire to return to a sanction-ending deal
