Health officials in Karbala say security forces used live ammunition to disperse angry demonstrators who attempted to torch Tehran's diplomatic mission in Iraqi holy city

Protesters use burning tires and barbed wire to block thoroughfares, appearing to borrow a tactic from Lebanon, where similar anti-government demonstrations are underway

One-time commercial center in Baghdad now a gathering place for anti-government demonstrators to dine together, play dominoes and keep an eye on the security forces

Protesters march over an Iranian flag painted on the pavement with a swastika added to it, as many criticize Tehran's interference

Secret meeting between Revolutionary Guards' chief and Baghdad lawmakers a sign of Tehran's growing influence in region

Barham Saleh says PM Adel Abdel Mahdi has agreed to resign if a replacement is found, but no candidate has been accepted by the different parties

Adel Abdel Mahdi under threat as his two main backers discuss his removal and spiraling anti-government protests kill over 240

Rouhani aide says Jerusalem providing financial help to demonstrators; Khamenei goes on Twitter tirade against Israel and 'Arrogant Powers'

More than 800 wounded when security forces open fire on crowds in Karbala in one of worst attacks since demonstrators began anti-government rallies

Protesters over rampant unemployment and corruption continue to gather throughout the country despite curfews, threats of arrest and violence that has left nearly 240 dead
