A secular, US-educated millionaire with a propensity for cognac and cigars, Netanyahu paints himself the champion of Israel's downtrodden Jewish peripheries

Tallying ballots from soldiers, diplomats and prisoners likely to be completed Thursday morning, with Naftali Bennett's party 0.02% short of entering Knesset

The choice between Netanyahu or Gantz, socio-economic issues and the security situation were the top three considerations, but voters are often swayed by how religious they are

While American millennials have a liberal reputation, young Israeli Jews, who have never known a real peace process, identify as right-wing at much higher levels than their parents

Blue and White leaders to give statement Wednesday evening, are expected to formally concede elections to Netanyahu

State prosecutor plans to indict interior minister and head of Shas party on corruption charges, forcing him from his position, report says

Benny Gantz says 'we respect the decision of the people,' touts support from one million voters; Lapid says centrist alliance will 'embitter the government's life'

Crew members restrain man who attempts to leap from plane on New York runway

A day after he won a fifth term, speculation abounds over which ministers, from which parties, the PM will appoint to which jobs -- because those choices will point to his strategy

With last successful maneuver, Israel gears up to become 4th country to land on the moon on Thursday
