State initially told High Court the PA had no vaccines; Palestinians said to have requested as many as 10,000 doses to immunize healthcare workers

'There is no solution,' Nachman Ash reportedly says, after 18,000 Muslim worshipers pack flashpoint Jerusalem site, even as infections among Palestinians soar

National Security Council figures show basic reproduction number nearing 1.2; death toll reaches 2,883

After virus czar high infection rates, National Security Council meets to consider imposing restrictions at sensitive holy sites; closure would likely be opposed by Palestinians

Country said to be short 240 million gloves, as well as lacking protective suits; senior government officials reportedly say medics may soon need to choose who'll get advanced care

Blue and White chairman downplays reported disagreements with Netanyahu, stands ground on 2-year budget, saying whoever walks back agreement on matter would be inviting elections

PM said to say stalling will lead to new full lockdown; Blue and White accuses him of playing politics, wants military to take control of crisis; Bar Siman-Tov rules out a return

Cabinet said to weigh limiting gatherings to 10 people, while National Security Council recommends shuttering restaurants, sans deliveries, in addition to synagogues and yeshivas

Prof. Eli Waxman says only third grade and younger should be allowed back assuming coronavirus continues to spread; urges Health Ministry to let others take over pandemic fight

'We can no longer disrupt the chain of infection,' warns Prof. Eli Waxman, adding that if serious steps aren't taken this week, 'within two weeks we'll have to impose a lockdown'
