Talmudic rabbis wouldn't have been pleased at new find of richly decorated humanized lion gargoyle recently uncovered at Tzippori National Park

Former defense minister's wildlife preserves are partially closed to the public, frequently used for Israeli agriculture, and often situated on privately-owned Palestinian land

Cause not immediately clear; in the past, parasites caused massive die-backs of shrimp-like crustacean in Oregon while in Baja California ocean temperatures and nutrients blamed

Sites across the country packed on first Saturday since they reopened amid eased coronavirus restrictions; only three new cases overnight

Internet site for registration to open Tuesday, with visitor quotas and visit duration times to be set for each site

Around 20 of an estimated local population of 30 to 40 dolphins, endangered in the Mediterreanean Sea, accompany Israel Nature and Parks Authority patrol boat

First sighting of the year comes after members of species were seen multiple times last year; despite their size, they aren't dangerous to humans

Authority says that under current Health Ministry restrictions and while maintaining highest level of hygiene, it could already host up to 70,000 visitors a day

Accident comes only months after a 21-year-old died in a fall from a 30-meter cliff in the Judean Desert

But in year's end roundup report, Israel Nature and Parks Authority director says lack of functioning government leaves funding for 2020 unclear, harms ability to plan
