Freshwater fish added to list for first time; ministry backtracks from pledge to shield Mediterranean tuna, grouper

Thousands visit sites near the Dead Sea, where the weather service is warning of possible flooding due to expected rainfall accompanying rare 'medicane'

Just 30 to 40 acacia gazelles remain in a protected area of the Arava desert

Nature and Parks Authority wildlife inspectors publish footage of marine mammals in Mediterranean

Nature reserves from north to south fill up with hikers; Sea of Galilee beaches packed as Israelis enjoy the fine weather

Galilee hiking trail reopened after officials determine animal escaped petting farm, likely attacked travelers since it's used to getting food from humans

Authorities say there is some concern the animal could have rabies and has instructed those attacked to inoculate themselves as they investigate

At World Wildlife Conference, Israeli scheme aims to stop the 'laundering' of ivory, often presented as product from extinct species

Nature and Parks Authority calls on public to stay away from shore after hatchling found trapped in depression caused by tire marks

Hoard including snapping turtles and poison dart frogs smuggled into Israel for sale on black market; suspect detained for questioning as part of international operation
