Rangers find 20 carcasses near Kadita in Galilee, suspect deliberate poisoning with pesticide

Photo issued by Israel Nature and Parks Authority is latest in string of images of wild animals endangered by waste. 'Throw your trash into bins,' INPA implores

'This was not how I wanted to say goodbye,' Yael Shevach wrote to her late husband after losing the gold band; internet do-gooders and a team of searchers help her find it

Blind, colorless arthropods make their home in Ayalon Cave in central Israel, thriving in dark, oxygen-free environment, fed by sulfurous water rising from deep in the earth

Nature and Parks Authority took the animal for treatment, says it had breathing problems and appears to have been suffering from disease despite bite marks on its tail

Parks authority says the artifact, uncovered in an underwater dig at Tel Dor, was first used in the Bronze Age and is similar to other anchors uncovered in region

Israel Antiques Authority marine archaeology unit hopes visitors will help find submerged archaeological discoveries

Eco-activities to be held across the country on Friday through next week at beaches, urban nature spots, projects and sites where preservation campaigns are being waged

After years of excavation in Tel Ashkelon National Park, archeologists plan to restore some of the massive marble columns and statues, build 2 kilometers of accessible paths

Israel Nature and Parks Authority hopes sightings of subspecies of ecologically important lappet-faced vulture signal its return
