Chief scientist calls for cutting food waste, regulating wild dog numbers, and banning poisons that also kill vultures

Backed by the state, the Ir David Foundation's activities in the Hinnom Valley are expanding into Arab olive groves to chisel out a view of history driven by ideology, critics say

Menorah installed by Nature and Parks Authority wardens at Nebi Samuel site, holy to both Jews and Muslims, moved to synagogue entrance instead

Businesses, car damaged by flames in Ma'alot-Tarshiha; Saturday sees over 200 blazes across country amid dry weather

Over 200 blazes extinguished by firefighters during day of hot, dry and dusty weather conditions; fire in northern town of Gita damages 6 homes

Authorities warn against outdoor exercise, with strong winds from Jordan and Saudi Arabia bringing sand storms

6 houses damaged in Gita with 75 families told to leave but later return; homes also evacuated in Zeitan; firefighters battle blazes from ground, air; flames fanned by strong winds

Decision comes with weekend set to see unseasonably high temperatures; nationwide fire ban in effect until November 30

Nature and Parks Authority says two dead dogs also discovered; one of the birds had been fitted with a radio transmitter; all corpses to be examined

Nature and Parks Authority suspects malicious poisoning after corpses located next to dead goat in Judean Desert
