Named for similarity of skull to real orcas, the dolphins are seen only once every few years in Gulf of Eilat

Environmental protection minister and parks authority head urge freezing of amphitheater project in southern Israel's Ramon crater nature reserve

Israel Nature and Parks Authority hopes Jewish new year will be better than last, when 12 of the endangered birds were poisoned

After disease spread to wild birds last year, the INPA says feeding programs that concentrated them were part of the problem, though unclear if new policy will also apply to cranes

Nature and Parks Authority inspector spots the fish 5 meters below sea level, says they 'swam together with impressive interaction'

Nature and Parks Authority faces opposition to planned wildlife corridor near Haifa, which environmentalists say is an important part of efforts to protect endangered animals

Diver notices two-meter-long ray swimming among fishing lines off resort city's Mifratz Hashemesh Beach

Prime Minister Yair Lapid says repairing Tel Gezer is 'most basic duty' of government after damage caused to several historic elements of national park earlier this month

The animal, who aroused fiery support and opposition from residents, returned twice after rangers moved her far away; fed from trash after buildings replaced natural habitat

Local residents and Society for Protection of Nature say city violated national planning committee rules; Maccabiah denies allegations
