Satmar Rebbe’s Letter Against Participation in Israeli Elections to Be Auctioned OffThe Satmar Rebbe, Hagaon HaRav Yoel Teitelbaum’s letter explaining his psak against participation in Israeli elections, is going to be auctioned off after Pesach.
The auction, which is being organized by the Kedem Auction House in Jerusalem, was revealed to the public on Tuesday, election day in Israel.

 Kvitlach Being Removed From The Kosel Ahead Of Pesach(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE)
Knesset elections are behind us and it is time to focus on Pesach. At the Kosel, the team was out on Wednesday morning to remove the kvitlach ahead of yomtov as well as to inspect the integrity of the stones, to prevent any from falling.

Charedi Family Rescued By Police While HikingBorder Police officers rescued a Charedi family of five, who got stuck while hiking near Nachal Sorek. The police received an emergency call for help from the family who was stuck on the hike.
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Bennet’s New Right Party Doesn’t Make it into the 21st KnessetThe counting of the IDF votes is complete and it was announced that the New Right party headed by Naftali Bennet and Ayelet Shaked remains outside of the 21st Knesset, falling short of the required 3.25% of the vote, the minimum a party must received to be in Knesset.

Drama Surrounds Tabulation of IDF & Other Outstanding VotesThe process of counting the remaining 270,000 votes, those of the IDF soldiers, hospitals and prisons continues on Thursday, with the results expected later in the day. The counting of these votes began on Wednesday night.
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Yeshiva Bochrim Nearly Drown In Mediterranean In Bain Hazmanim IncidentThanks to the quick response by the maritime police on the Mediterranean Sea and rescue teams on the ground three yeshiva bochrim who partially drowned on Wednesday were rescued and survived the incident.
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Bicycle Battery Explodes In Netanya Garage Injuring Two, One Of Them SeriouslyA man in his 50s suffered smoke inhalation and a woman around 25-years-old suffered burns after an electric bicycle battery exploded in a Netanya parking garage.
The incident occurred around 5:00PM in a garage on HaAhva Street in the city.

Jerusalem Mayor Leon Meets With US Ambassador To Israel FriedmanOn Wednesday, the Mayor of Jerusalem, Mr. Moshe Leon, met with the US Ambassador to Israel, Mr. David Friedman, at the US Embassy in the capital.
The two discussed the work of the embassy in the city, the assistance required from the Jerusalem municipality, and joint issues of work in dialogue between the embassy and the municipality.

 How Did Israel’s Chareidim Vote – A City by City Breakdown67 percent of Israelis eligible to vote in yesterday’s election did so. The Percentage is quite high for Israel, and for most western countries.
Both Chareidi parties increased the number of seats that they won from the previous Knesset to this one and tied at 8 seats a piece.

Shas MK Margi Accuses Yahadut Hatorah Of Trying To Grab Shas VotersShas MK Yaakov Margi had harsh words for his chareidi partners in Knesset, Yahadut Hatorah, blaming the ashkenazi chareidi party of “playing in our arena” during elections, trying to grab away Shas voters to get them to vote Yahadut Hatorah.
