Tel Aviv Public Transportation Via An App Pilot Is LaunchedThe Ministry of Transportation is moving forward with an experimental project, that commuters using minibus service in Tel Aviv will be able to order a minibus servicing Gush Dan via a smartphone app.
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Israeli Nonprofit Vows New Moon Mission After 1st CrashesThe Israeli start-up behind last week’s failed lunar landing has vowed to create a second mission to steer a privately funded spacecraft onto the moon.
Morris Kahn, Israeli billionaire and chairman of SpaceIL, the nonprofit that undertook the botched lunar mission, says he’s already formed a task force of engineers and donors that will build another spacecraft.

 Israeli Scientists 3D-Print A Tiny Live Heart Made With Human TissueThe following is via
Israeli researchers have created a real heart using their innovative process at the Laboratory for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine led by Professor Tal Dvir, an associate professor at Tel Aviv University’s Department of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology.

Unidentified Substance Leads To A Hazmat Response In Beit Shemesh [PHOTOS]The discovery of an unidentified substance on the ground floor of the Rami Levi Mall in Beit Shemesh led to a hazmat response on Monday morning.
Police and the bomb squad responded to the scene as well, clearly aware the major area shopping center is an enticing erev-Pesach target for terrorists.

Merkel Calls Netanyahu, Stresses Need For Two-State SolutionGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel has congratulated Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on his re-election and stressed the need to work toward a two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Merkel’s office said stressed in a phone conversation Monday the continued relevance of a two-state solution, which she said should be the goal of international efforts.

New Right’s Chances Of Getting Into Knesset Remain Close To ZeroThe Central Election Committee informed Naftali Bennet that the probe of the election has not revealed votes for New Right that were disqualified as he and party co-leader, Minister Ayelet Shaked alleged.
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Israel’s National Security Advisor To Meet With America’s NSA John BoltonIsrael National Security Advisor Meir Ben-Shabbat is scheduled to meet with his US counterpart, John Bolton, to permit the two to discuss the Iranian threat and Iran’s continued effort to establish its presence in both Lebanon and Syria.

Rivlin Requests To Not Sit Next To Netanyahu Due to Election ProcessPresident Ruvi Rivlin requested to not sit next to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu at a ceremony that will take place tonight at the Jerusalem Convention Center. The event is a salute to bereaved families of those killed in Israel’s wars.
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Chareidi Faction Leaders Met With PM NetanyahuLeaders of the chareidi factions in Knesset, Moshe Gafne, Yaakov Litzman and Aryeh Deri met on Monday morning, April 15, 2019, with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu as President Reuven Rivlin has begun meeting with party leaders, who have to recommend who should receive the presidential mandate to form the next coalition government.

 Fire In Haifa Leaves 16 Injured, 4 Seriously(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE)
A fire broke ripped through a four-story residential structure on Eben Givrol Street in Haifa, in the Carmel district, Monday morning. Firefighters responded at about 8:30 AM to find flames emanating from second story windows.
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