Pindrus Will be in Knesset with Yahadut Hatorah’s Eighth Seat Gained With Just 71 VotesThere is a sense of ease among members of Yahadut Hatorah as it now appears final; the party has received the controversial eighth seat which was taken from the party during the recount.

2 Vehicle MVA In S. Hebron Hills Leaves 13 Israelis & Palestinians Injured [PHOTOS]A motor vehicle accident between two vehicles in the S. Hebron Hills area on Monday left a total of 13 persons injured, six Israelis and seven Palestinians. The accident occurred near Shim’a.

ARE THEY FAKE ITEMS? PM Netanyahu And Brother Receive Personal Items Of Brother Yoni Netanyahu HY”DPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his brother Dr. Ido Netanyahu, met at the PM’s Office in Jerusalem with Yosef Shemesh on Monday, who gave them personal items belonging to their brother, the late Yoni Netanyahu HY”D.

 Nothing Has Changed Regarding the Draft LawYahadut Hatorah was scheduled to convene on Tuesday afternoon, including the eight candidates elected to the 21st Knesset. The meeting will surround formulating their position and demands for upcoming coalition talks.
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Gantz Is Certain That One Day, He Will Be Prime MinisterChairman of the Blue and White party, Benny Gantz, told journalist Ilana Dayan that he will not sit in a coalition with Binyamin Netanyahu, and he will lead a combative opposition and remain optimistic as, “I am 100% certain that I will be prime minister” he concluded.
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 He Now Has MeaslesA 42-year-old man from Tel Aviv was in the maternity unit of Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv a few days ago, after his son was born. Now, he has been diagnosed with the measles.
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Bus Hits And Injures 2 Children In Beit ShemeshTwo children, ages 6 and 8, were struck by a bus on Nachal Kishon Street in Beit Shemesh on Monday morning, April 15, 2019, listed in light and moderate condition.
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Tel Aviv Public Transportation Via An App Pilot Is LaunchedThe Ministry of Transportation is moving forward with an experimental project, that commuters using minibus service in Tel Aviv will be able to order a minibus servicing Gush Dan via a smartphone app.
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Israeli Nonprofit Vows New Moon Mission After 1st CrashesThe Israeli start-up behind last week’s failed lunar landing has vowed to create a second mission to steer a privately funded spacecraft onto the moon.
Morris Kahn, Israeli billionaire and chairman of SpaceIL, the nonprofit that undertook the botched lunar mission, says he’s already formed a task force of engineers and donors that will build another spacecraft.

 Israeli Scientists 3D-Print A Tiny Live Heart Made With Human TissueThe following is via
Israeli researchers have created a real heart using their innovative process at the Laboratory for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine led by Professor Tal Dvir, an associate professor at Tel Aviv University’s Department of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology.
