Edward Kachura, accused of killing patient with whom he had a relationship, will face life sentence if convicted; investigators believe teen was buried alive

With new designation, Special Police Unit to receive additional NIS 10 million in funds as it is officially tasked with conducting major counterterrorism operations

Judge sends Edward Kachura to house arrest for 14 days, police get 24 hours to appeal; grandma faints in court; family: 'Today the prosecution murdered Lital Yael for the 2nd time'

Police seize loaded pistol, assess shooting was an underworld hit; 116 members of Arab community killed in suspected homicides this year

68-year-old had stopped on Route 1's shoulder before high-speed collision that resulted in his death and moderate injury of a woman; 30-year-old driver lightly hurt

Police say no arrests made yet in Maghar after shooting of Rasha Sitawi; at least 22 women killed in apparent homicides in Israel this year, 15 of them Arab

Shaul Karni charged with the 2018 attempted murder of his Colombian girlfriend, after he turned himself in to police last month

Daniel Keidar, 64, indicted over fatal shooting of Eldad Peri at point-blank range after failed apartment sales resulted in millions of shekels lost

Lebanese terror group accused of upping efforts to send quality arms into Israel following May clashes between Jews and Arabs

Palestinian media circulate 'last letter' of Hamas member Fadi Abu Shkhaydam, who killed an Israeli and wounded 4 others in Old City: 'I dreamed of meeting God as a martyr'
