Thousands of police deployed on Cairo's streets and up to 2,000 arrested after last week's demonstrations, largely stifle further action against the president

Decades of internal fighting as well as war with Israel have left woodlands strewn with hundreds of thousands of deadly bombs

Johnson reportedly brought friend on trips to Tel Aviv and awarded her company grants while mayor of London, in potential conflict of interest

Broadcaster forced to clarify it's not impartial on racism, after finding journalist breached editorial guidelines when criticizing president's tweets on congresswomen of color

No casualties reported, though synagogue suffers light damage as worshipers pray inside; authorities investigating

Former IRGC commander Mohsen Rezaei mocks Washington's lack of response to drone downing: 'They cannot defend themselves, so how would they defend Saudi Arabia?'

President Hassan Rouhani tells reporters Iran's nuclear activities will continue to be monitored by the International Atomic Energy Agency

Company CEO calls ship's return 'a relief,' says crew is safe and will be given recovery period with families

New report claims president told Russian FM he was unconcerned about Moscow's interference in 2016 election as US did the same in other countries

Attack near Syrian border follows series of recent bombings in area, which some have blamed on Israel
