Real facility is reportedly across the hall in Jerusalem building, but wasn't ready on time for Sunday inauguration ceremony

Footage shows pair of explosions after Kornet fired at moving APC, which apparently avoids direct hit

After RT Arabic publishes report from inside Avivim base, military acknowledges it was evacuated due to threats

Many residents of towns within range of rockets from Lebanon lack access to shelters in case of war between Israel and Hebzollah

Echoing comments made by rival Netanyahu, Blue and White chair says he won't support unilateral withdrawal; refuses to rule out annexation of settlement blocs

Israel says Lebanese PM Hariri reached out to 3 countries on behalf of Iran-backed group with message that it was not interested in further escalation

Trump hopes to bring back thousands of troops before the 2020 election

No exact details available on casualties in blaze aboard scuba diving vessel; 5 crew members rescued

Move comes a week after Jerusalem halved the amount following rocket fire by Palestinian terrorists

Researchers piece together details of US orbital reconnaissance program from blast site image tweeted by Trump
