Report says deal finalized by Biden administration, which includes Saudi approval of Israeli overflights, is being held up by Cairo over bilateral issues with US
In Al Arabiya interview, PM-designate urges Biden to reaffirm 'traditional alliance' with Riyadh and other Mideast states, says normalization would be 'quantum leap' for peace
Report says spyware firm faced serious hardship, with West shunning it over rights concerns, Israel curbing exports; firm said banking on Likud leader's help, Riyadh normalization
While many Arab fans refuse to share their thoughts, one Saudi tells ToI: 'For me, relations with Israel are a good thing... We need peace around the world'
Former president tells Republican Jewish Coalition that Biden doesn't listen to 'your leaders' in Israel, as growing list of rivals tells crowd it's time for a course correction
Middle East diplomats say progress made in effort; Riyadh's decision has proven largely symbolic, as flights to the Far East also need Omani airspace to cut time
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