Bill would put appointment of justices in top court under government and Knesset control; unlikely to pass this Knesset; seen as an advertisement for return of right-wing coalition

Remarks come amid deterioration in ties following evidence of Russian atrocities in Ukraine and growing antisemitic rhetoric from Russian leaders

Justice minister vows to torpedo proposal, which he says will 'eliminate' the court's independence; warns a Netanyahu government will endanger Israeli democracy

Supreme Court backs earlier district court ruling rejecting retrial bid. Patriarchate vows to continue supporting Palestinian tenants who face potential eviction

Panel of 3 judges reject appeal by prosecutors, find defendants did not act out of malice and believed they were facing an attacker who still posed danger

Outgoing judge compares rampant crime to a contagious disease, urges increased enforcement; was among judges who convicted former president Katsav of rape

Envoy to UN raises concern at UNSC, 83 Dems write to Blinken asking US to intervene after court okays plan to evict 1,300 Palestinians from Masafer Yatta to build IDF training zone

Amid harsh criticism from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, Esther Hayut warns that discourse about court is 'deteriorating' to 'dangerous places'

After court ruling okaying expulsion, media reports indicate several homes and structures have been demolished in recent days

Bloc calls on Israel 'to cease demolitions and evictions in line with international law'; authorities raze residential building in East Jerusalem, saying owner lacked permits
