The rocky ascent to Tel Tzafit, thought to be the biblical city of Gath, is dotted with colorful foliage leading to a panoramic lookout over the length and breadth of the Holy Land

Memorial Day is a poignant date to visit the Mahal monument and grounds, in the verdant Judean Hills west of Jerusalem, dedicated to those who gave their lives for the state

Artistic, cultural and commercial renewal sprout from longstanding Ottoman institutions, making biblical Abraham's one-time hometown an oasis of tourism in the Negev Desert

From brilliantly blooming buds to scenic views and unusual and entertaining recreation areas, KKL-JNF's US Independence Park between Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh is not to be missed

When lockdown restrictions are lifted, stretch your limbs among the stunning views, sweet-smelling flowers, and lush vegetation along these free-to-access trails

Houses of worship on the Jerusalem mountain bear the marks of the city's past believers, builders and invaders

Visitors to Modiin, home of the ancient rebels celebrated during the holiday, can view ancient ruins, historical sites and natural attractions including forests and springs

A walk atop the Old City's walls gives visitors a glimpse into the passions of past rulers, including a Christian king, a Turkish sultan, an Armenian princess, and King Herod

Outdoor treks in the capital include tales of Russian royalty, medieval monks and biblical sacrifices, alongside verdant gardens, modern monuments and stunning views

The mountain was the site of massacres, undercover military operations, and refuge, and today bears memorials to some of Israel's pioneering scientists, artists and philanthropists
