Chen Kupperman's innovative courses at teach more than just language -- they bring participants to live, work, eat and socialize with Israeli Arabs around the clock

Rabbi Yaakov Mann was a scholar-turned-contractor who felt Israel should be built up with the work of its residents' own hands. His influence continues to benefit the capital today

Recently opened to visitors, a newly renovated museum honors the Hungarian-born writer and paratrooper killed when she returned to Europe from the Holy Land to save her fellow Jews

Forests, parks, promenades and overlooks in Israel often feature monuments to soldiers or units who made the ultimate sacrifice for their homeland. Here are a few such tributes

When Jordanian snipers threatened supply lines before Israel unified Jerusalem, IDF engineers built a secret trench now renovated and open to visitors after lying dormant for years

See how ancient avians were feared, revered, or just part of everyday life in cultures around the world, plus kids can enjoy an interactive play area with costumes and games

In addition to housing the Israeli parliament, the neighborhood boasts the architecturally magnificent Supreme Court building and the aromatic Wohl Rose Park, the largest in Israel

Airline plans twice-daily flights on Tel Aviv-London route in the summer, up from 4 a week now; bookings from Israel have 'soared,' country manager says, amid 'pent-up demand'

On the 28th of Iyar, which this year falls out on May 9-10, Israel celebrates the unification of the Holy City in the Six Day War and honors the fallen who gave their lives for it

In Jerusalem's City of David, visitors find ancient Roman burial caves, an historic 19th-century Jewish home and the site of shadowy excavations said to produce biblical treasures
