'Running on Sand' cast includes African migrant actors as part of an effort to lift the curtain on racism and invisibility, while giving the issue a humorous twist

Star Helen Mirren says legendary former PM 'would have been utterly horrified' at legal overhaul, calls it 'the rise of dictatorship'

Both of Israel's latest Oscar submissions, dark comedy ‘Let It Be Morning’ and drama ‘Cinema Sabaya,’ tell Palestinian stories to varying degrees

Screenings run until June 8, and include documentaries, 'Image of Victory' by blockbuster director Avi Nesher and new episodes of the hit comedy series 'Shababnikim'

Shira Haas wins best actress in international category, director Ruthy Pribar awarded Nora Ephron prize, Daniella Nowitz takes cinematograhy award

Movie shows Yigal Amir as a complex figure, and controversially looks to provide commentary on Israeli politics today

Director Sameh Zoabi says 'Tel Aviv on Fire' is reaping accolades because it avoids heavy-handed politics and finds the comedy in regular people living through a bizarre situation

The latest release from one of the Holy Land's most beloved filmmakers is already collecting accolades -- partly, he tells ToI, because he chose Israel's film scene over Hollywood