It's a family affair at the Eliyahus' concert at Confederation House, breaking new musical ground

Diaspora affairs reporter Canaan Lidor discusses March of the Living as US bureau chief Jacob Magid looks at Israel-Saudi relations and the US visa waiver program

The sounds of Ofra Haza and Zohar Argov, both deceased, come together in Session 42's latest musical creation

'Paskol Shlishi' brings mix of major Israeli musicians together with survivors to inspire an album of original songs about the WWII genocide

Features Middle East artists including Palestinian singer Freteikh, Egyptian artist Ahmed Doma, Morocco's Mohssine Salaheddine; pair say it doesn't include political statements

Co-owner of Israeli shoe brand-turned-spiritual counselor Susan Lax teams up with the artist known simply as Shira on Mar. 26 for a performance that is sure to strike a chord

Singer and songwriter refers to MKs' behavior in parliament, highlights incident this week where far-right MK made racist comments about opposition lawmakers

Debut album 'Shuruaat' from Berklee College musical group, which includes Israeli students, nominated in Best Global Music category

Organizers say they 'share in pain and mourning' of victims' families; speakers at Tel Aviv rally to include former police chief Roni Alsheich, who led Netanyahu corruption probe

Stars also hit out at planned judicial overhaul, saying that both steps are attempts to stifle democracy; vow to attend mass protests set for Saturday night
