Close Netanyahu confidant Ron Dermer says Jerusalem would 'have to look at what ultimately is agreed upon'; Lapid argues allowing such a move would endanger Israel's security

Era of slimming nuclear stockpiles is ending, Swedish think tank says, with China, Russia, India and Pakistan all deploying more bombs; Israel said to keep inventory unchanged

Agreement backed by every president since Nixon binds US to not pressure Jewish state on joining non-proliferation treaty in exchange for promise not to use bombs

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute says standstill could impact non-proliferation treaties as non-nuclear states question their own commitments

Reactor appears to be getting most extensive new construction work in decades, satellite photos show; reason unclear

Hailing gas pipeline deal, PM trips up in calling Jewish state an 'energy power,' but quickly clarifies

Noting Israeli accusations against Iran, Foreign Policy magazine slams 'humiliating role' US president allegedly played in hiding purported Israeli test from the world

Turkish leader says fact his country is barred from having atomic bombs is unacceptable, says Israel is untouchable due to nuclear deterrent

PM says Islamic Republic 'accelerating its nuclear program,' warns Israel won't allow it to develop atomic weapons

The US president was furious with the Jewish state over its atomic program fearing the Soviet Union could use it as leverage, telegram posted online last week shows
