Calls made for police bribery probe of Ghaida Rinawie Zoabi, formerly of Meretz, over reports she has taken a position in the Interior Ministry

Former premier says moderate leadership needed to ensure internal stability, claims Netanyahu's polarizing coalition will dissuade voters from supporting hardline parties

Education Ministry says NIS 12 million in retroactive funding earmarked for Haredi and Religious Zionist institutions fiscally affected by Bennett-Lapid government's cuts

In wide-ranging 5-hour interview, ex-PM laments polarized Israeli discourse, candidly recounts errors he made in forming previous coalition, gives impression he may return

Former PM says he and Arab party leader found common ground as 'men of faith'; says his government decided to work only on the 70% of issues that 70% of Israelis agree on

Interior minister disavows Lapid-Bennett coalition, insists she upheld right-wing policies while serving, but refuses to resign

While ex-PM united key factions of his bloc to minimize risk of wasted votes, caretaker PM failed to do likewise for those opposed to Netanyahu. Then came a Joint List hammer blow

Political correspondent Tal Schneider shares an interview with New Hope head Gideon Sa'ar; military correspondent Emanuel Fabian on Israel's chances in an emergency

Michael Biton will again stop voting with the coalition on Monday in protest of transportation reforms; he will still block no-confidence motions and will support key settler law

PM cites discontent on coalition's left and right flanks as sign government is striking balance, predicts 'government will be successful in all crises' if ideology is put aside
