'I estimate that the rotation will not happen,’ TV cites premier as saying during past month; his office appears to confirm details, but insists he'll honor power-sharing deal

PM calls on ministers to focus on what unites them, not divisive issues; implores cabinet ministers to hold back even when there a 'burning urge to respond'

Just 22% of respondents say they trust the Chief Rabbinate for kosher certification; 62% support plan to cut daycare subsidies, which mostly affects ultra-Orthodox community

Meretz and Yamina still at odds over regulatory reform included in bill, with both threatening to vote against; budget must pass 3 readings by November 4 or Knesset dissolves

PM distanced himself from defense minister's meeting with PA chief, but they seem to be OK with each taking a different approach to satisfy coalition's rightist and leftist bases

Finance minister says he will submit 2021-2022 state budget to Knesset on Tuesday with the aim of it passing its first plenary reading this week

Khatib-Yasin was Israel’s first hijab-wearing lawmaker following the March 2020 election, but failed to enter the Knesset in the latest round earlier this year

Age to drop from 24 to 21 but will gradually rise back to 23, in an attempt to encourage draft dodgers to leave the yeshiva and get jobs sooner

59% of survey respondents say PM Bennett and his ministers are doing a bad job of handling coronavirus amid resurgence in morbidity

Political correspondent Tal Schneider fills us in on why the Likud lawmaker is making headlines; senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur assesses how Israelis view Afghanistan's collapse
