Moshe Arbel says new law will show those who support 'Hamas Nazis' are 'not one of us,' after outcry over Israeli Arab actress' online posts celebrating October 7 massacre
The post Minister rolls out bill to strip citizenship from terror supporters in wartime appeared first on The Times of Israel.

So-called Citizenship Law, passed in 2003 at height of the Second Intifada, introduced as a temporary security measure but since renewed annually

Law, also blocking future entry into the country, garners rare support of 94 of the Knesset's 120 MKs; Arab MK: 'A populist, draconian law'

Editor David Horovitz & diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman parse US secretary of state's many statements, Egypt's involvement in calming West Bank, plus a death penalty bill

Interior minister has ordered seven Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem kicked out over familial ties to man who ran over and killed four soldiers in 2017

News editor Amy Spiro breaks down Ukrainian refugee caps and personal status conflicts; Palestinian affairs reporter Aaron Boxerman updates us on the controversial Citizenship Law

Leftist Meretz, Islamist Ra'am oppose, but right-wing opposition backs law; authorities did not grant residency to Palestinians who applied in the period since ban expired in July

After weeks of extensive negotiations, controversial legislation expected to pass tonight with help from opposition; Ra'am to vote against, even if bill becomes a confidence vote

Dispute between Arab party and rest of coalition said to stem from approval of so-called Citizenship Law as well as gov't tabling of bill granting tax benefits to Bedouin villages

Controversial bill passes 44-5, after MKs from both sides of the aisle leave the plenum rather than vote; stricter version also approved
