Defense minister says military is restoring its freedom to operate in the city and ending its status as a sanctuary for gunmen, though ‘it may take another round or two’

Military aims to restore deterrence in northern West Bank city for future, smaller operations; Palestinian gunmen show little resistance when facing large number of forces

Military correspondent Emanuel Fabian updates on Jenin operation, ramming attack and rockets, as US bureau chief Jacob Magid reflects on Jenin, July 4th with outgoing US ambassador

As counter-terror operation ends, thousands of refugee camp residents start returning and others emerge from their homes to find roads torn up, vehicles and buildings destroyed

IDF says weapons factories used by Hamas chemical unit and rocket-makers targeted in strikes; Gazans say homes damaged; Jenin returnees said to find rubble

No injuries or damage in attack at tail end of Israeli military raid in Jenin; rocket fire breaks calm since May 14 truce ending five-day flareup with Islamic Jihad

Military says serviceman taken to hospital in Israel where he is declared dead; forces slowly leaving West Bank city

One Palestinian local says his house was seized by the IDF to put snipers on the roof, as thousands have fled West Bank city, particular its refugee camp

Demonstrators refuse officers' orders to lower Palestinian flags, leading to scuffles and arrests for disturbing public order, police say

Volker Turk calls for end to violence after Jenin operation and Tel Aviv terror attack, criticizes Israeli airstrikes
