Doctors who already testified for defense can again submit psychiatric opinions, despite court-ordered panel having found alleged sex abuser fit for extradition to Australia

Jerusalem District Court says Rivka Friedman-Feldman, Moshe Bar-am and Oded Shaham will try the prime minister; one of the trio previously sent former PM Olmert to jail

Who will be the judges? How long will the court proceedings take? Will the premier be forced to resign? A guide to Israel's first criminal case against a sitting prime minister

Defense asks that separate hearings be held to cross-examine each of the 3 doctors who evaluated alleged sex abuser and only agrees to dates in late February and early March

Court-ordered medical board will present findings at hearing next week, ahead of judge's decision on whether to move forward with extraditing alleged serial pedophile to Australia

State asks court to extradite Brooklyn native accused of assaulting female relatives with his sons; wife drove him to airport on day victim came forward

Environment ministry says impact of pipe-flushing procedure, which raises concerns of dangerous pollution along the coast, will be minimal

Noble Energy is told additional approvals needed before it can conduct the pipe-flushing procedure, which has raised concerns of dangerous pollution along the coast

Firm that bought Bakri family home from third party did not do so 'in good faith,' judges rule, allowing Palestinians to return to compound after 18 years

Local councils have warned of potential hazard to population from pollutants at Leviathan offshore field, but judge says they failed to refute state's assertion action is safe
