Last month, a traveler raising money for tzeddaka in Brooklyn drove through the night to Detroit – his next fundraising stop. He felt sick en route and saw a doctor when he got there. But the doctor, who had never seen measles, misdiagnosed the man’s fever and cough as bronchitis.
Over the next two weeks, the traveler would become Michigan’s Patient Zero, spreading the highly contagious respiratory virus to 39 people as he stayed in private homes, attended synagogue daily and shopped in kosher markets. His case offers a cautionary tale about how easily one of the most infectious pathogens on the planet spreads within close-knit communities – especially those whose members live, work and socialize outside the mainstream.

A robocall stating that a kol korei applies to tonight’s kumzitz event at Lake Terrace Hall in Lakewood, NJ is categorically false.
“Unfortunately, it is a fabrication of some misguided individuals with an agenda,” an organizer told
The event has not been subject to a kol korei of any kind.
The event will be featuring singers Beri Weber and Uri Davidi, music by Yossi Shtendig Productions, and Zemiros Choir.
The fake robo call can be heard here:

By Binyomin Millman
Every second guy, it seems, has become an expert on the recent kumzitz tumult. Each “expert” knows that we don’t give our boys enough healthy outlets and that we should be doing things differently, etc. They know why the tumult happened, who is responsible, and what should be changed.
Everyone is suddenly an expert of the latest hock.
So thanks to all these “professionals” for the insight. But it’s pretty obvious. Neither me nor you needs another guy on a blog or WhatsApp to lament how our system is broken and we aren’t doing things right and we should be outraged and all that. We’ve heard it. We know it. And it’s changing.
So what is the lesson?
The lesson is about the power of the yochid.

In what can only be described as unprecedented, over five hundred doctors representing numerous Jewish communities across North America , signed a letter confirming the need for all children and healthy adults to get immunized according to the CDC schedule. This mass declaration by medical professionals , likely the first of its kind addressing the broad Orthodox Jewish communities nationally,  directly and starkly calls out the dangerous falsehoods being spread  by so called anti- vaxxers.

Rockland County officials this morning announced a “Communicable Disease and Exposure Exclusion Order” that mandates anyone with measles to stay home, and those exposed stay out of public spaces throughout the county, LoHud reports.
The new offensive was unveiled by County Executive Ed Day and Commissioner of Health Dr. Patricia Schnabel Ruppert on the same day the county announced there have been 186 confirmed measles cases since the outbreak began in October. Ruppert also said she is sure there have been more cases that the county cannot verify.
