By Binyomin Millman
Every second guy, it seems, has become an expert on the recent kumzitz tumult. Each “expert” knows that we don’t give our boys enough healthy outlets and that we should be doing things differently, etc. They know why the tumult happened, who is responsible, and what should be changed.
Everyone is suddenly an expert of the latest hock.
So thanks to all these “professionals” for the insight. But it’s pretty obvious. Neither me nor you needs another guy on a blog or WhatsApp to lament how our system is broken and we aren’t doing things right and we should be outraged and all that. We’ve heard it. We know it. And it’s changing.
So what is the lesson?
The lesson is about the power of the yochid.
The first kumzitz event and the one that will be held tonight at Lake Terrace Hall were inspired and conceived by one individual, Yosef Travis. Yosef threw his heart and soul into it, as he felt that this was an important undertaking to provide a healthy outlet for yeshiva bochurim during bein hazemanim. Of course, along the way, he got help from this one and that one, but, in truth, he carried the responsibility for arranging the event on his shoulders. And he got it done.
That’s the power of an individual.
One person, with the right motivation and determination, can make a difference.
A yochid can have a truly significant impact.
And that’s the true lesson of all this.
Every else is commentary.
The lesson to be taken is that you – yes, little old you – can make a difference. You can do something positive. You can have an impact on your community in a positive way. You can enhance the lives of those around you.
And you can provide opportunities and outlets for thousands of bochurim around you.
You just have to care enough, and want it enough, and not let obstacles get in the way.
Thank you, Yosef, for showing us that it can be done.