In his new book 'The Evil Eye: The History, Mystery, and Magic of the Quiet Curse,' Antonio Pagliarulo gives a practical overview of one of history's most durable forces
Though nowhere near as packed - or rowdy - as a similar one in Ukraine, an off-the-beaten-path tomb is increasingly visited by supplicants who bring an air of quiet camaraderie
While many Jews relegate the supernatural beings to the Christian realm, Prof. Mika Ahuvia reveals a deep cultural and religious connection in a new book
Rabbi Zac Kamenetz has visions of healing generations of Jewish trauma with psychedelic experiences, and after being laid off during the pandemic, he's working to make them real
Viral tweet by NPR reporter Nina Totenberg hours after beloved Justice's death Friday claims 'God held her back until the last moment.' But does this runaway idea have Jewish legs?
The Misaviv Hebrew Circle Calendar ventures out of the box with its round format, celebrating a mystical concept that incorporates seasonal and life cycles, nature and femininity
Romemu Yeshiva seeks to show American Jews that Eastern concepts, such as meditation, mindfulness and mystical philosophy, are part of Jewish tradition
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