Current debate is one of several disputes between Jewish communal leaders, authorities in predominantly secular societies of Scandinavia, Northern Europe

Exhibit has prompted protest by Jewish community, which notes it evokes classic Christian antisemitism blaming Jews for death of Jesus

Skien municipality reverses decision to deny request to go to facility in Norwegian capital on grounds it could provide accommodations locally

City of Skien refuses to let the two relocate to Oslo facility, says it 'can provide a good and adequate offer' locally

Simon Wiesenthal Center makes demand after radio host wishes the vaccine 'did not work in Israel' and says 'Israel is a shitty country,' comments later praised by neo-Nazis

Far-right extremists carried out coordinated campaign in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland on Jewish holy day, says World Jewish Congress

Small Jewish communities are left bereft of rabbis, cantors, and ritual circumcisers as countries attempt to stem spread of COVID-19