Ebrahim Raisi also accuses Washington of worsening Ukraine war; Israeli envoy stages walkout for second straight year, holding sign that reads 'Iranian women deserve freedom now'

Israeli officials tell NYT that exchange agreement stems from broader informal understandings, which include Iran limiting its nuclear work and halting proxy attacks on US forces

Assessment says Tehran is ramping up activities that could lead to nukes, and improving its missiles, but not working toward weapons of mass destruction at the moment

Western nations express concern about alleged transfers of drones from Tehran to Moscow, as Russia objects to presence of Kyiv at hearing

US National Security Adviser Sullivan said to express frustration to Israeli counterpart Tzachi Hanegbi over Netanyahu's comments on potential new deal with Tehran

Prime minister's comments at cabinet meeting come amid mounting reports of advanced negotiations between Washington and Tehran

Barbara Leaf, assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern Affairs, slated to meet both political and military leaders and discuss 'constraining Iran's destabilizing behavior'

Washington says Jerusalem will maintain military edge and free hand to act against adversaries in the Middle East, report says

Unsourced Israeli TV report says Israel didn't receive US details on proposed agreement with Iran that were reported in New York Times amid assurances that it would be kept in loop

Citing Israeli, American and Iranian officials, New York Times reports sides nearing unwritten understandings to curb further uranium enrichment in return for unfreezing assets
