Briefing foreign reporters, president says those who complained of a 'disproportionate response' in Gaza should now understand 'what a false interpretation of the reality that was'

Second Authority for Television and Radio urges cops to bring about 'eradication of this phenomenon' as journalists from 4 main networks targeted at pro- and anti-overhaul protests

Union of Journalists condemns latest in series of assaults against Channel 13 staff, links it to incitement following onscreen text appearing to blame PM for civilian deaths

Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi has vowed to drastically cut funding from Kan in a bid to engender competition, but observers say his plans are misguided and dangerous

Police chief Kobi Shabtai says he expects further arrests in the coming days after mob threatened Channel 13 crew: 'We must bring sanity back to the country'

Boaz Bismuth, ex-editor of Israel Hayom, is slammed by journalists and lawmakers on left and right for proposal that would hinder unmasking of swindlers, politicians' lies

Yisrael Frey, who said man who planned Tel Aviv attack is a 'hero,' questioned under caution after ignoring summonses, police say; critics decry 'political arrest'

Local reporter Nadal Ijbaria, who was victim of assassination attempt last year, killed on his way home from mosque

US native's work appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor and Foreign Policy; he is mourned as 'an incredible journalist'

Reporters with work permits who come from 14 off-limits nations must first spend two weeks in another country before being granted entry
