Though such stipulations are not officially possible, individuals can bypass this through organizations that pair a donor with a recipient that matches their criteria

Study may have significant implications for patients from ethnic minorities, who are less likely to find a match for the majority of donated kidneys

US study shows no sign of rejection by donated body of brain-dead man, with experts saying string of breakthroughs are promising -- but many hurdles remain

Despite COVID-19 pandemic, there were 647 donations carried out last year, including a 30% increase in 'altruistic' donors who were not acquainted with the recipient

Decades-long quest to use animal organs for life-saving transplants takes major new leap as swine kidney successfully filters waste and produces urine without being rejected

Arrangement involving three families -- two in Israel and one in Abu Dhabi -- sees relatives procure life-saving surgery for loved ones by donating organs to others in need

Fighting furious objections from her family, Idit Harel Segal went through with the operation, hoping to live up to the morals her Holocaust-surviving grandfather taught her

'This Jewish kidney has now become part of me,' says Randa Aweis, after transplant from Yigal Yehoshua, killed by Arab Israelis in Lod; 'We're just people, we need to live together

Matnat Chaim, which mainly facilitates altruistic living donor transplants between non-relatives, helps with 200 cases over past year since death of co-founder from COVID-19

Rather than crumble after Rabbi Yeshayahu Heber's death in April, ultra-Orthodox group Matnat Chaim has facilitated 57 transplants, and looks to expand reach to secular Israelis
