Knesset correspondent Carrie Keller-Lynn on the stormy vote for the Judicial Selection Committee, and diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman on a 'mini-agreement' with Iran

Knesset correspondent Tal Schneider discusses choosing MKs for Judicial Selection Committee; Diaspora affairs reporter Canaan Lidor looks at Hungarian PM speech and Hong Kong eruv

Legal reporter Jeremy Sharon looks at PM's move to shut down partners' proposals and senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur discusses politics of negotiation at judicial overhaul talks

MK Elazar Stern says not all parties agree to potential move, MK Debbie Biton says action 'definitely on the table'; act would leave Knesset entirely manned by coalition MKs

Installing Likud ally needed to pave way for new government's formation with deadline nearing; Outgoing PM wants to bar 4 lawmakers from voting on bill okaying Deri as minister

National Unity's Elkin pans 'unprecedented' effort to pass far-reaching laws before government formed; ministers to hear expert opinions on bills in bid to embarrass new coalition

Political reporter Tal Schneider discusses Monday at the Knesset as US correspondent Jacob Magid looks at Biden's postponed Mideast jaunt and US-Palestinian conversations

Proposal manages to pass first reading in Knesset with vote of 59-58 after coalition MK leaves plenum for interview

Attempting to rally his crumbling party at emergency meeting, PM says only alternative to current government is more elections; he reportedly comes under fire from faction members

Coalition pulls its legislation amid efforts to reach compromise with Blue and White; opposition pulls bill calling for investigation of defense minister's past business
