Channel 12 survey finds such a party, which isn't currently in the cards, would siphon off votes from opposition parties that are opposed to the government's program anyway

Knesset correspondent Carrie Keller-Lynn and legal reporter Jeremy Sharon review a charged summer Knesset session and its looming aftermath, with a legal showdown set for September

Activists plan to begin march only after end of Tisha B'Av fast day; 'You don't negotiate with the dictatorial government. You fight a dictatorial government,' says protest group

Dozens arrested in demonstrations in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and elsewhere as protesters shut Begin, Ayalon freeways, defying water cannons and mounted cops for hours

Despite 29 weeks of unprecedented protests, all 64 coalition members back 'reasonableness' bill in final vote after 30 hours of plenum discussion; entire opposition walks out

Ahead of Tisha B'Av, organizers of gathering and subsequent march in Jerusalem plead with sparring parties to think of the destruction brought on by discord

National Unity chief shot down by both sides after proposing negotiations on 'reasonableness' bill in exchange for PM agreeing to only pass rest of planned shakeup by consensus

Sunday to be final day for committee discussions; Netanyahu said to tell Herzog he is working with academics on a new version of the bill that would limit judicial oversight

Knesset correspondent Carrie Keller-Lynn and legal affairs reporter Jeremy Sharon discuss first Knesset vote on 'reasonableness' bill and Tuesday's anti-overhaul demonstrations

Likud MK, trying to restore order during raucous clash between opposition and opposition, tells attorney she shouldn't interfere with how he runs session
