Proposed trillion-shekel 2023-2024 state budget will capture immediate legislative attention, but paused court shakeup to keep exerting influence over parliament business

Rallies held nationwide for 17th straight weekend; coalition not expected to advance legislation before passage of state budget at end of May

Contrasting justices' rejection of bill jailing African migrants with their approval of Gaza Disengagement Law, Simcha Rothman cuts to very heart of debate dividing Israeli society

Knesset votes 33-12 to approve appointment, as MK Uriel Buso expresses hope that party chair will return to ministerial roles

Demonstrators briefly block vehicle access to parliament before being dispersed, with 5 detained; they also condemn 'militia of thugs' being formed for Ben Gvir

Bills set aside NIS 485 billion in 2023, NIS 514 billion in 2024; Smotrich says bills promote 'financial stability'; Liberman warns Israel on way to unprecedented crisis

Netanyahu, expected to announce halt to overhaul, urges demonstrators on both sides to avoid violence; Lapid tells protesters: 'No government will take our rights'

Victim's partner, said to not have domestic violence history, turns himself in to police; incident happens days after coalition votes down bill mandating tracking of abusers

Chaos erupts in Knesset, with opposition members standing near podium yelling at minister, waving electronic bracelets that measure would have forced on domestic abuse offenders

Party claims that timing of elections means Knesset term should last five years, not four; Knesset legal adviser disagrees
