Lilach hopes its brightly colored DNR bracelets will bring attention to the Dying Patient Act, helping spread awareness of choices adult Israelis can make when faced with death

Laniado guards in Netanya said to prevent entry over wafers, days before Passover start; hospitals look to balance compliance with longstanding respect for all religious practices

In stormy debate on controversial plans to overhaul judiciary, MK Simcha Rothman calls on Gur Bligh to retract opinion, sparking outcry from opposition lawmakers

Prof. Tom Ginsburg heads the Comparative Constitutions Project, which analyzes constitutions around the world - and his take on Israel's proposed judicial reform isn't very rosy

A personally chosen collection of favorite legal briefs, US Supreme Court opinions and dissents, and recent speeches aim to show how Jewish jurist fought for a more perfect union

Harvard's Noah Feldman, who explained 'impeachability' to House Judiciary Committee, says Founders backed mechanism out of fear leaders would do exactly what Trump is accused of

Diverse speakers and listeners including Palestinians and Israelis, participate in inaugural confab for those seeking to curb inequality for Israel's Middle Eastern Jews

After his terminally ill wife had to fly to Switzerland to end her suffering, Yoskeh Marmurstein is challenging a society that resists the burial of suicides in Jewish cemeteries

Range of legal terms coined to replace use of English terms; some spiders and scorpions get new titles, including daddy longlegs