Lebanese security forces fire rubber bullets for first time since protests began in October, injuring at least 46 people in some of the worst violence in recent months

Hezbollah finds itself ’attacked by the very constituency they purport to speak for’ as many Lebanese demand end to corruption and ouster of political elite

The demonstrations that toppled the PM now aim to overhaul the entire failed political system in Beirut -- which the terror group has relied on to stay in control

As the economy lurches to a halt and protesters demand a reset of the post-civil war system of shared sectarian rule, Israel's northern neighbor could be on the brink of chaos

Mass protests over corruption and economic mismanagement have shuttered banks brought the economy to a halt, leading to fears of a collapse

Michel Aoun's gesture is immediately dismissed by demonstrators who are demanding that entire government resign

In largest demonstrations yet over crumbling economy and dilapidated infrastructure, protesters chant 'the people want to bring down the regime'

Demonstrations against rampant corruption in debt-ridden country threaten to deepen its political and financial woes

Beirut demonstrators complain of increasingly difficult living conditions, amid fears of a dollar shortage and further price hikes
